I want to thank Vítor Domingos for all the energy and time he has 
allocated to the Openoffice.org project, bringing it  from non-existence 
to a project with hundreds of thousands of downloads in one month.
He will be known as  the founder of the project in Portugal

Thanks a lot, Vitor.

And thanks a lot, Celso, for all your work

Paulo Vilela

Vitor Domingos escreveu:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi all,
> After 5 years of leading [1] the Portuguese Marketing and Localization
> teams, it's time to bring some new blood and people with more time and
> motivation than I. So, Rui Fernandes, of CaixaMágica - the portuguese
> Linux distro - will be the next lead for the L10n group, as for the
> Marketing, I propose Paulo Vilela of Sun Portugal.
> It has been times of many joys, seeing OOo grow up every year. After a
> hard work start, where I and Celso Pinto translated the GUI and started
> the help, the portuguese version has now all GUI and Help fully
> translated (for 2.2), it's in CVS and is maintained by the local Sun team.
> My final thanks goes to Louis Suarez-Potts, Charles Schulz and John
> McCreesh for giving us all the support in global OOo, Cláudio Filho for
> being my partner in the 'fight' for OOoBR and OOoPT, Olivier Hallot, for
> his *precious help* on the initial builds, Cristian Driga for his time
> in the art project, Artur Correia for his first support and first PT
> dictionary, the portuguese members that helped all along and finally,
> Celso Pinto, my right arm on OOoPT.
> The local site (http://ooo.paradigma.pt) will change, but I'm sure that
> you'll see the new one in the OOoPT site: http://pt.openoffice.org
> [1] - http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=discuss&msgNo=15325
> Regards,
> - --
> Vitor Domingos
> Paradigma.pt
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
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