Hi Jeff,

On May 31, 2017, at 1:42 AM, Matthias Hofer <ma...@the-lions.org> wrote:
I'm using Tkx for my nice interface, and so far things work great.

But I don't get to work a specific thing I need to do: In "scale.tcl", there are bindings like

   bind TScale <ButtonPress-1>   { ttk::scale::Press %W %x %y }

I'd like to change that in my Perl program to

   bind TScale <ButtonPress-1>   { ttk::scale::Jump %W %x %y }

I can't figure out how to execute the latter command via Tkx in Perl. Tkx::Ev does only work for one argument, but here three are expected.

I believe http://www.tkdocs.com/tutorial/concepts.html points in the right direction. Doing this completely blind, but I think it would look like:

Tkx::bind(“TScale”, “<ButtonPress-1>”, [sub { my($W, $x, $y) = @_;
      # insert action here
}, Tkx::Ev(“%W”, "%x", "%y")]);

but it looks like you just want to use pure Tcl actually, so that is more simply:

Tkx::bind(“TScale”, “<ButtonPress-1>”, “ttk::scale::Jump %W %x %y”);

I just tried the simple version, and it just works!
I don't know why I did not came up with that, as I have read the docs thoroughly and more than once, but probably I just twisted my thoughts into a too complicated way ...

Thank you very much!



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