On Saturday, at 19:08, Dennis Ferguson wrote:
| gcc can't correctly eliminate the comparison just because you are asking
| it to compare pointers to different structure types.  No aliasing issues
| arise in any case unless you actually use the pointers to access something,
| and there are many ways that two pointers of different structure types can
| validly refer to the same object.

(I think that) strict aliasing rules implies that if two types "type{1,2}" do
not match any of the aliasing rules (e.g. type1 is of the same type as
the first member of type2, or type1 is a char, or ...), then any two pointers
ptr{1,2} on type{1,2} respectively _ARE_ different, because *ptr1 != *ptr2 per
the aliasing rules and this implies ptr1 != ptr2.

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