On 12/12/18 8:46 PM, Michał Górny wrote:

While researching libc++ test failures, I've discovered that NetBSD
suffers from the same issue as FreeBSD -- that is, both the userspace
tooling and the kernel have problems with (time_t)-1 timestamp,
i.e. one second before the epoch.

For example:


Might I suggest that the obvious solution to this, and probably a host of other issues, is to make time_t an always negative number (negint/neglong?) and redefine the epoch as 03:14:09 UTC on Tuesday, 19 January 2038, leaving (time-t) -1 as a special value for errors and halting the system when the clock would overflow to (time-t) 0 (ENOMORETIME).

regards, theo

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