> you mean you don't get a graphic console right away on that machine?

For what value of "right away"?  Autoconf starts printing[%] in (what
looks like the) same text mode used by the bootloader - no visible
mode-change glitch (it's connected to a flatscreen on which mode-change
glitches are really obvious, about a half-second of blank screen).  It
takes a few seconds, and lots of lines of output[$], before DRMKMS
takes over and switches the hardware into graphics mode.  So, depending
on what "right away" means here, that might be yes or might be no.

[%] In whatever colours are selected (where light-brown-on-blue,
    presumably among other colour combinations, gets mapped to
    white-on-black by some mechanism, as discussed upthread).

[$] Based on comparing a very quick glimpse of the last output before
    the mode switch against /var/run/dmesg.boot after it's up, about
    320 lines.

> Is this BIOS related?

I don't know.  I saw someone saying something about it possibly being
UEFI-related.  The BIOS splash screen talks about UEFI, but the way the
disk is set up is plain old MBR, nary a GPT in sight, so presumably
it's booting via non-UEFI ("legacy") mechanisms.

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