On Mon, Jun 06, 2022 at 09:12:58AM -0400, Mouse wrote:
> > It sortof have to.  Since if you've done various work, and others
> > have done various work on the same files, and both have done commits,
> > it might not be possible to merge as is.
> Yes, merging can require manual assistance.  git includes tools to make
> it easier to handle manual-assist merges; others exist as addons.
> The need for them is one of the prices of the distributed model, just
> as needing to manually perform much the same operations before
> committing is a price of the centralized model.

My (little) experience with git is that merging ie applying patches from
others is a lot better in CVS! I never really have merge conflicts in CVS but
in the project I used git on it was horrible for no obvious reasons so I
switched to rebase since that just worked fine. But then I might have missed
some `magic' git incantation *grumbl*


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