On Mon, Jun 06, 2022 at 02:40:29PM +0200, Gerhard Sittig wrote:
 > There is no problem with that I assume. From personal experience
 > I can tell that git takes some getting used to. But once you do
 > you don't want to go back. Seriously.

Every time I have to use the damn thing, I want to go back to hg.


More seriously,

On Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 06:45:07AM -0400, Mouse wrote:
 > > That git thinks of the whole content of the tree, and that a filter
 > > is applied to narrow the result set when you specify dirs or files,
 > > was mentioned before.  Changes your perspective.
 > Also breaks git for certain uses, though.  Much as I like git, there
 > are places where I'd like to use it but effectively can't because of
 > its insistence on owning an entire directory per repo as work tree.
 > This makes it impossible to, for example, keep one repo for ~/.cshrc, a
 > different repo for ~/.gdbinit, and a third for ~/.procmailrc, without
 > creating a directory somewhere for each one and playing games with
 > links.  But that's very different from its designed-for use case, so
 > it's not too surprising.

One of the things Someone(TM) should write is a modern replacement for

Versioning single files is actually useful and RCS is... dated.

David A. Holland

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