On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 02:07:50PM -0400, Patrick Cable spake thusly:
> I am of the mindset that as long as the server gets the same address
> every time, I don't care how it gets configured, and if I'm going to

I worry about the DHCP server being down (due to power outage or
whatever causing everything to power cycle) and the servers not coming
up. Now you have a timing dependency. I also worry about the DHCP
server going down or dhcpd process goes away unnoticed (yes,
monitoring *should* catch this) and servers not being able to renew
their lease and dying unexpectedly perhaps many days after the dhcp
server went down.

If I had a large compute cluster or "cloud" etc. where all of the
machines were intended to be identical yet generic resources I would
probably dhcp them just because it seems pointless to manage IPs for
them all. Just have to keep the above issues in mind.

Tracy Reed

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