On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 1:20 AM, Antoine Jacoutot <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> wrote:

> Yes, this is the prefered way to do it. And xsane had nothing to do with
> it, libsane from sane-backends is what is accessing your device.
> At one point, the best would be to remove uscanner entirely as it's
> impossible to keep track of all devices anyway. IIRC at least Linux and
> FreeBSD now use libusb with sane for scanning (which is what you are
> doing when you "disable uscanner").

But is there any reason to keep these devices in uscanner? To my
knowledge, sane is the only tool to access such devices. Is there
other software that need uscanner?

And more generally, is there any reason to keep uscanner?

Mattieu Baptiste
"/earth is 102% full ... please delete anyone you can."

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