On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Alexandre Ratchov <a...@caoua.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 06, 2011 at 08:58:16PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>> Hi Alexandre,
>> Alexandre Ratchov wrote on Thu, Oct 06, 2011 at 08:29:26PM +0200:
>> > On the one hand, we expect audio to work by default. On the other hand
>> > format conversions, channel mapping, resampling and alike belong to
>> > the audio sub-system; until 2009, this used to be the audio(4) driver
>> > itself. But later, instead of extending the audio(4) driver, we put
>> > new audio code in aucat(1), which amongs others, has the advantage of
>> > running as unprivileged user rather than in supervisor mode. From this
>> > standpoint, there should be an instance of aucat(1) running by default
>> > for each instance of audio(4), ie for each sound card; [...]
>> Really?
>> Here is the list of daemons currently enabled by default:
>>   syslogd pflogd sshd sendmail inetd cron
>> These are useful on almost any system, no matter whether
>> server or desktop.
>> Unless i misunderstand, aucat will often be useful on the desktop.
>> But do you also run it on your servers in the datacenter?
> well, consider aucat a an extension of the audio(4) driver. Except
> that parts of the code are were moved in userspace.
> On servers you could disable audio, set aucat_flags=NO and recompile
> GENERIC with audio support disabled.
>> Or do you argue that disabling it on servers is less work
>> than enabling it on workstations?
> Not really, my point is that currently audio works by default on
> OpenBSD, on servers, laptops, PDAa. More and more code of the audio
> sub-system that would be in the kernel is being pulled in userland, so
> if we accept that audio should work by default, aucat should be
> enabled by default.
>> Or do you argue that it doesn't matter running it even where
>> it is not needed?
> Somewhat yes, if there are no audio devices or no audio program is
> run, aucat does nothing and shouldn't hurt.

yuck... sounds like linux to me. please don't go down that route of
"enable everything, it can't hurt even if you don't use it" mentality.

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