On 2012 Feb 23 (Thu) at 09:37:57 +0100 (+0100), Bjvrn Ketelaars wrote:
:> - Could you try to link ldns static and not install neither the ldns
:library, include files nor the man-pages?
:The latest iteration includes:
:- Removal of ldns-includes, -library and -manpages;
:- Static link of ldns;
:- No shared libraries.
:Additional points of discussion:
:1.) This iteration installs both drill and unbound-host as
:dns-tooling. Unbound-host is part of unbound and, preferably, should
:be installed. Drill however is a different story: it is part of ldns.
:Are there arguments for installing / not installing drill?
:2.) Are there arguments for installing / not installing both tools?
:OpenBSD base already has some dns-tooling (dig, host, nslookup - from
:BIND). Installing unbound-host and drill might be abundant?

I would like to keep dig/host/nslookup, since they are de-facto standard

However, I still think we should include drill/unbound-host because (as
I understand it), they provide some unbound-specific commands.

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