On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 01:58:45PM -0500, Kenneth R Westerback wrote:
> > 
> > does "dhcp nwid foo wpakey bar" give you problems too? because
> > hostname.if(5) suggests it should not:
> > 
> >     A DHCP-configured network interface setup consists of
> > 
> >             dhcp options
> There have been problems reported with doing everything on one line in the
> past.
> > 
> > so if it isn;t working, isn;t that indicative of a worse problem? or
> > that we have not documented how "dhcp" works sufficiently?
> Not sure how much more we can document here. I'm actually wondering if it
> wouldn't be more clear to eliminate the 'options' processing after 'dhcp',
> i.e. make people do those things on separate, preceeding lines.

we should absolutely remove it if a) we're aware it causes problems and
b) we think it makes sense to do it another way.

the diff in your previous mail is actually better anyway - the info i
was missing was i didn;t realise ifconfig got invoked separately for
every line in hostname.if.

> > 
> > we can;t just say order matters, but not provide any guidance. having
> > said that, i think the text "The packed formats are converted", which i
> > think deraadt added, was meant to address something like this. maybe he
> > remembers?
> Well, hostname.if is simply a mechanism to script ifconfig invocations. If
> you don't know in what order you need to issue the ifconfig invocations
> required to configure your network, I'm not sure if hostname.if can
> explain it in a reasonable amount of space.

but it's clear if we document that ifconfig is invoked separately with
each line.

> > 
> > anyway...i still dislike the idea of just saying order matters. also,
> > could someone really expect the file to not be parsed top down (i don;t
> > know, i'm just asking. it seems unlikely to me you'd start parsing from
> > the end and work up)?
> > 
> > jmc
> > 
> The misunderstanding I have seen run along the lines that all the
> lines will be processed and then the system will issue a coherent set of
> commands to achieve the described network. When really it is, as I said,
> just a way to put all the ifconfig and related commands in one file.

i'm not sure i understand. but anyway i think your previous diff, plus
removing the "dhcp options" recommendation, will be a decent start.


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