On Sun, Dec 02, 2012 at 09:21:02PM +0000, Nigel Taylor wrote:
> > 
> > So I did:
> > 
> > make obj
> > make depend
> > make includes
> > make
> > 
> > and am still receiving the same build errors. I'd normally just wait for
> > a new snapshot, but now I want to make sure the build isn't broken.
> > 
> > As long as developers aren't seeing a problem, thats good enough for me.
> > 
> I built both amd64/i386 releases without problems yesterday, and two
> days before after libsqlight3 was updated. However I built the whole
> userland as part of the release not just a small part.

Good to know, thanks. I'm probably missing a step by just trying to
compile libsqlite3. I'll just wait for a new snapshot. Thanks for
confirming that the build is clearly not broken.

James Turner

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