> > The following patches add functionality to the console for a 'repeat' key,
> > basically a modifier key which adjusts the typematic delay whilst held down.
> Is there a real use case for this feature?

Fast cursor movement, scrolling, deleting.  I use it every day, and can't
live without it.

> > Usually these were found on systems which didn't have auto-repeat, but
> > this implementation preserves the normal functionality, so that you can
> > achieve a normal-speed repeat just by holding down the key, but a much
> > faster auto-repeat using the dedicated 'repeat' modifier.
> wscons already provides a key repeat functionnality, whether the
> underlying device supports it or not.

Ah, maybe you misunderstand - it's intended as a 'fast repeat' key.  You
get instant and much faster repeat using this modifier, it's not meant as
the only key repeat functionality, (like on the Apple ][, where none of
the keys repeated, unless you held down 'repeat', which then just gave
you a normal speed repeat).

> > Any reason this console version can't be included in the tree?
> Yes, the way your diff works discards the non-default values the user
> might have set up using wsconsctl keyboard#.repeat.del[1N].

That's not a bug, it's a feature :-).  It works as a 'reset' key, in case
you accidently run wsconsctl keyboard.repeat.del1=10 instead of =100 :-)

OK, seriously, yes it's a bug, I'll fix that and resubmit it, now that you
can see how useful the functionality is...


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