On Mon, Jun 09, 2014 at 21:54, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> > A better patch is probably the following which also increases the size
>> > of the buffer to at least 64k:
>> Agreed.
> One thing to be aware of.  That function is syncronous.  It will read
> as much as it can get, then it will do an "atomic" write operation to
> flush the buffer out the other way.
> If you have substantially different speeds, this can be a substantial
> 'buffer bloat'.
> Since it is handling a session in both directions... expect to see
> some substantial jaggies.

Having convinced me this a problem (it's already in the code, but 64k
buffers will make it worse), I scaled back to 16k.

Now soliciting diffs to change readwrite to a loop with two buffers
that poll()s in all four directions. :)

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