On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 01:57:44PM +0400, Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov wrote:
> Hello,
> It took a while longer than I expected, but I think that
> the GOST ciphers implementation is complete now
> at https://github.com/libressl-portable/openbsd/pull/6
> I still expect issues when Windows GOST CSP vendors
> will work on TLS 1.2 implementation (up to now they
> only provide TLS 1.0). However that will have to be fixed
> in future (when there will be at least one GOST + TLS 1.2
> implementation).
> Could you please provide review, comments/

How do you manage so many? Alsa (and linux kernel overall), debian
packages maintain, wikipedia editing, cryptography (gnupg and now GHOST
for libressl) etc, etc, etc..

Are you God? )

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