?????????? ?????????????? [art.is...@yandex.ru] wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 04, 2014 at 08:42:03PM +0000, Miod Vallat wrote:
> > > Two weeks has passed. Is there anything that I can do to
> > > push GOST ciphers towards LibreSSL?
> > 
> > Sorry about that. Joel and/or I need to review the diff again and push
> > it. I'll try to find time for this next week-end (famous last words).
> > 
> > Miod
> This is suspicious person for me (group of people?). There are lots of
> commits since about 2011 in many low-level and/or critical components
> from this person: linux kernel, android, gnupg, tcpdump, alsa, tor,
> openssl etc, etc..
> I'm almost certainly wrong, but not too much there competencies for one
> person?

So, you're saying, he's really dmi...@svr.gov.ru, the source of Russian
backdoors into technology worldwide!!!

I guess the open-source ecosystem has been thoroughly poisoned!

Putin is going to take us over. OpenBSD and Linux are ruined! Fuck, I'm
switching to Windows 8.

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