On 14 April 2015 at 21:08, Lauri Tirkkonen <loth...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 14 2015 20:40:58 +0200, Mike Belopuhov wrote:
>> According to 3.2 in RFC 7323:
>>    Once TSopt has been successfully negotiated, that is both <SYN> and
>>    <SYN,ACK> contain TSopt, the TSopt MUST be sent in every non-<RST>
>>    segment for the duration of the connection, and SHOULD be sent in an
>>    <RST> segment (see Section 5.2 for details).  The TCP SHOULD remember
>>    this state by setting a flag, referred to as Snd.TS.OK, to one.  If a
>>    non-<RST> segment is received without a TSopt, a TCP SHOULD silently
>>    drop the segment.  A TCP MUST NOT abort a TCP connection because any
>>    segment lacks an expected TSopt.
> Thank you, I somehow missed the existence of this RFC.
>> I had a stab at adding timestamp support to tcp_respond but couldn't
>> test yet.  If you feel like giving it a try, please be my guest.
> With your patch, I confirm that timestamps are present on keep-alive
> messages.

Hi Lauri,

I've committed the fix.  Thanks a lot for bringing this up and testing.

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