On Fri, 11 Sep 2015 23:41:40 -0400, Michael McConville wrote:

> To be (far) more specific, it's used to enable the 'e', 'g', and 'f'
> fields of ksh's vfprintf() clone. On one hand, this can't be too
> important if it was disabled for >10 years. On the other, the code at
> least compiles...

When I last checked the FP code for ksh's builtin printf was not
correct/complete.  Once upon a I took a stab at replacing ksh's
mini-stdio with the libc one but never got it working 100%.

> It seems that there's a lot of good cleanup to be done in ksh. There are
> many hacks and reimplementations that seem to be remnants of a time when
> you couldn't rely on standards much.


 - todd

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