> For dynamic binaries, valid regions are ld.so's text segment, the signal
> trampoline, and libc.so's text segment... AND the main program's text.
> Unfortunately our current go build model hasn't followed solaris/macos
> approach yet of calling libc stubs, and uses the inappropriate "embed
> system calls directly" method, so for now we'll need to authorize the main
> program text as well.  A comment in exec_elf.c explains this.
> If go is adapted to call library-based system call stubs on OpenBSD as
> well, this problem will go away.  There may be other environments creating
> raw system calls. I guess we'll need to find them as time goes by, and
> hope in time we can repair those also.

Or you could use an ELF note to flag binaries allowed to issue syscalls
from their text section: only static binaries (including ld.so) and go
binaries would need them.

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