On Sun, 15 May 2022, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
> Stuart Henderson wrote in
>  |what's the perceived problem you're wanting to solve? and does that
>  |problem actually exist in the first place?
> The problem is that if have a low upper bound then modulo will "remove a 
> lot of randomization".  For example if you have a program which 
> generates Lotto numbers (1..49), then using _uniform() as it is will 
> generate many duplicates.

Wut.  The *WHOLE POINT* of arc4random_uniform() is that it has uniform 
distribution.  Says right so in the manpage.  If an implementation of that 
API fails to do that, it's a broken implementation.

The OpenBSD implementation achieves that.  NetBSD's implementation has the 
same core logic.  Here's my quick lotto pick demo program, doing 4900000 
picks, so they should all be somewhere near 100000:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define LIMIT   49
        unsigned counts[LIMIT] = { 0 };
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 100000 * LIMIT; i++)
        for (i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++)
                printf("%2d\t%7u\n", i+1, counts[i]);
        return 0;

And a sample run:

: bleys; ./a.out                                                                
 1       100100
 2       100639
 3        99965
 4        99729
 5        99641
 6        99650
 7       100299
 8       100164
 9        99791
10       100101
11       100657
12       100042
13        99661
14        99927
15        99426
16        99491
17        99646
18       100133
19       100013
20        99942
21        99873
22        99924
23        99567
24       100152
25       100688
26       100011
27       100481
28        99980
29       100406
30        99726
31        99808
32        99929
33       100050
34        99983
35       100048
36        99771
37        99906
38       100215
39       100261
40       100426
41        99847
42        99533
43       100368
44        99695
45       100041
46       100465
47        99875
48       100034
49        99920
: bleys; 

Looks pretty good to me, with repeated runs showing the values bouncing around.

> I was a bit interested when i saw Luke's message, but i am no
> mathematician and, like i said, i in fact never needed the
> functionality.  And the question i would have is how small
> upper_bound has to be for the modulo problem to really kick in.

If the implementation isn't broken, it's not a problem, period.

> And even if, whether it matters.  For example, if you have
> a bitset of 1024 "in-flight things", and the small upper bound
> hits a used slot, you could simply search forward until you find
> a free one.  I mean, with 1024 possible values the number of
> possibilities is anyhow restricted.

Well hey, let's give Luke's a try and see how uniform it is:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define LIMIT   49
        unsigned counts[LIMIT] = { 0 };
        unsigned counts2[LIMIT] = { 0 };
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 100000 * LIMIT; i++) {
        for (i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++)
                printf("%2d\t%7u\t%7u\n", i+1, counts[i], counts2[i]);
        return 0;

: bleys; ./a.out  
 1       100188   76502
 2        99983   76602
 3       100521   76522
 4       100416   76682
 5       100171   76387
 6       100163   76759
 7       100024   76336
 8       100009   76703
 9        99769   76237
10        99892   76532
11       100197   76730
12       100483   76398
13        99769   76310
14       100075   76474
15        99781   76599
16        99846   76439
17        99814   76430
18       100313   76648
19       100259   76813
20        99885   77068
21       100302   76546
22        99998   76698
23        99491   76678
24       100340   76324
25        99763  115263
26        99872  153008
27       100022  152979
28        99481  153793
29       100018  210714
30        99617  229286
31       100167  297003
32       100270  449664
33       100468   76790
34        99115   76452
35        99921   76392
36        99862   76140
37       100485   76607
38       100029   75885
39        99577   76498
40        99479   76727
41       100139   76746
42       100883   76698
43       100102   76474
44        99801   76592
45       100117   76124
46        99678   76417
47        99770   76639
48        99524   77034
49       100151   76658
: bleys; 

Wow, that last column is *bad*.  Repeated runs show 25-32 are consistently 
high, 32 being *outrageously* off, and the others are low.

Luke's implementation does not correctly implement the API.  Doesn't 
matter if it's a million times faster when it doesn't deliver the goal.

Philip Guenther

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