I have a feeling that making it threadsafe under any quantity of threads
and still perform is likely not feasible, but if I could; or if making a
nonthreadsafe variant was possible:

Creating a mathematical proof that somehow is “simple and probably correct”
enough, would be an impossible task even for a PhD mathematician.

How did someone prove the current implementation was cryptographically
sound? Did they run massive simulations which ran the gamut of the uint32_t
range which demanded tight tolerances over varying length runs?

How was rc4 cipher proven bad for pseudorandom numbers? I’d be willing to
bet it wasn’t from a mathematical proof; it was from bad data.

I’m guessing that large upperbounds approaching 2**32 don’t feed very
soundly in the current implementation using a modulus; although I suspect
that there isn’t much of a call for such things, I’m pretty sure I saw a
3,000,000,000 upperbound in the src partition tonight.

On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 3:15 AM Otto Moerbeek <o...@drijf.net> wrote:

> On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 01:12:28AM -0500, Luke Small wrote:
> > This is version 1, which I was pretty sure was secure.
> >
> > I revamped it with a few features and implanted the binary search for
> 'bit'
> >
> > in most cases, which aren't intentionally worst-case, it's pretty darned
> > fast!
> >
> > This is a sample run of my program with your piece of code included:
> >
> >
> >  1  99319 100239
> >  2 100353  99584
> >  3 100032  99879
> >  4  99704 100229
> >  5  99530  99796
> >  6  99617 100355
> >  7 100490 100319
> >  8  99793 100114
> >  9 100426  99744
> > 10 100315 100558
> > 11  99279  99766
> > 12  99572  99750
> > 13  99955 100017
> > 14 100413 100005
> > 15 100190 100052
> > 16 101071 100195
> > 17 100322 100224
> > 18  99637  99540
> > 19 100323  99251
> > 20  99841 100177
> > 21  99948  99504
> > 22 100065 100031
> > 23 100026  99827
> > 24  99836  99818
> > 25 100245  99822
> > 26 100088  99678
> > 27  99957  99993
> > 28 100065  99961
> > 29 100701 100679
> > 30  99756  99587
> > 31 100220 100076
> > 32 100067 100005
> > 33  99547  99984
> > 34 100124 100031
> > 35  99547 100661
> > 36  99801  99963
> > 37 100189 100230
> > 38  99878  99579
> > 39  99864  99442
> > 40  99683 100004
> > 41  99907 100094
> > 42 100291  99817
> > 43  99908  99984
> > 44 100044 100606
> > 45 100065 100120
> > 46  99358 100141
> > 47 100152 100442
> > 48 100000 100279
> > 49 100486  99848
> Sadly a sample run cannot be used to proof your implementation is
> correct.  It can only be used to show it is not correct, like Philip
> did.  To show your implementation produces uniform results in all
> cases, you need to provide a solid argumentation that is easy to
> follow. So far you failed to do that and I do not see it coming, given
> the complexituy of your implementation.  The current implementation
> has a straightforward argumentation as it uses relatively simple
> mathematical properties of modulo arithmetic.
> It is also clear your code (as it uses statics) is not thread safe.
> So to answer you original question clearly: no, we will not accept this.
>         -Otto

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