Solène Rapenne <> wrote:

> I agree my sentence isn't good enough or is too much, but I think ZZZ
> explanations isn't enough in its current form

Maybe it is lacking.  But your previous diff didn't help anyone.

> from your reply I got
> information such as external devices that wasn't described in the man
> page.

External devices have to get detached.  They lose their configuration
because they lose their power.

The problem is that it is very difficult to explain to users, in a
precise way, what an 'external device' is versus an 'internal device'.

It is extremely complicated, there is no way to accurately explain
in user-speak what devices detach and what devices don't detach.

And if we can't write a correct sentence for that, maybe we should realize
we don't need to?

Make a proposal.

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