Hi all

I'm very pleased to be able to report that I finally have my Index Everest-D V2 
Braille embosser up and running again.  I had a bit of a brain storm last night 
and it helped me to realise what I had done wrong.  Actually, I cannot believe 
I was quite so dense on this issue.  I can only say that I must have been 
looking too hard in order to resolve what was really a simple problem.  OK, so 
most of my time is spent away from Windows these days, and I've probably 
forgotten an awful lot that I once knew.  But I need to regain that knowledge 
because if things work out the way I want them too, I may be using Windows a 
lot more in the coming weeks and months.  So anyway, here is how I solved the 

Firstly, I installed the Parallel To USB or USB to Parallel cable, (it is 
bi-directional).  Then, once Windows had fiddled around with things and decided 
where it was going to put the device, I installed a new printer, the "Generic 
Text-Only" virtual printer.  Then, I mapped the virtual printer driver to use 
the device installed at USB003 which, I discovered yesterday, was where Windows 
had put the virtual printer cable driver.  Once that was done and I had set it 
to the default printer, (possibly something I should change as we also have a 
PhotoSmart PFC connected to that machine now), I went into Duxbury DBT which I 
had already installed and activated successfully.  Once there, I opened the 
"Global" menus and then went into "Global Embosser Setup".  I then changed the 
embosser settings to have it sent its output to the printer, rather than 
writing to a port.  Then I set up the Braille characteristics so that the paper 
size was correct, margins set to my preference and the c
 orrect Braille template configured as default.  After clicking on the "OK" 
button to store the settings, and again the "OK" button to exit the global 
setup, I opened a new file in Duxbury itself and just typed some text.  When 
that was done, I hit Control+T to translate the text into Braille format.  Then 
I hit "Control+E" to emboss the text into Braille.  I followed the 
document-specific settings and hit "OK", whilst holding my breath in the 
expectation that nothing would happen.  But, low and behold, a couple of 
seconds later, I heard the embosser, (which is located within an Index Everest 
acoustic cabinet), initialise and then start printing.

I think everybody in the neighbourhood must have heard my yell of triumph!  
Finally, after almost 3 years of just sitting there redundant like something 
placed strategically just to fill up space, my embosser has a new lease of 
life.  Now, difficult though it might be, I would love to be able to use the 
embosser on the Mac.  However, I don't believe there is any translation 
software out there for Mac OS X which will support the old embosser which I 
have here.  So although I believe I may be able to produce Braille on the Mac, 
(I believe there is software out there which can produce Braille files), it's 
unlikely I'll be able to find an actually piece of software to interface with 
the embosser itself.

This is one of those times when I'm frustrated that I allowed my programming 
skills to drop.  I have written software in BASIC and Pascal before today, but 
never got around to investigating C, C++ or CoCo as I had intended too.  
Perhaps that might be a good project for me, if only, if only, I can find some 
accessible learning material.

But at least in the short term I am able to Braille emboss again.  In the light 
of my hopes for the coming days, that could be very very important.  I need to 
show that I'm a competent Braileist, and that I have transcription skills which 
I could use in a academic environment.



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