You know what they say, you get nothing for nothing!  You could be right in the 
short term about the Microsoft solutions. But passed experience tells me to be 
careful of them. They have a historical habit of being slow to respond to 
unforeseen and sudden systemic events. There are always security threats they 
pop up every day. Microsoft has now made its update service invisible to the 
user. All Windows 10 updates are now mandatory and the user cannot configure 
the receipt of them, without extensive and unforgiving registry tweaks. Just 
changing one value from a 1 to a zero could potentially bring down your 
operating system. So I wouldn’t recommend anybody try to override the updates 
service settings. But in any event, I  think this offer from viper is an    
exceptionally good offer. I’m not in any way trying to promote it.  And as for 
the Android version, I bought and for my BrailleNote Touch, and for my two 
Android phones and my 2 tablets as well. I value my security and my privacy 
very highly and I sleep better at night safe in the knowledge that I’ve done my 
utmost to protect them. 

My compliments and kindest regards
Gordon Smith:
< <>

Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist.
+44 (0)7907 823971


> On 16 Oct 2016, at 20:41, Dane Trethowan <> wrote:
> I’ve been using Vipre products for quite some time.
> Their tech support - on the rare occasion that I’ve had to use it - has been 
> outstanding.
> Vipre Mobile Security for Android is at a price anyone can afford.
> Having said all that however - if you don’t wish to purchase Vipre Anti Virus 
> or Internet Security for your Windows PC - then the Microsoft alternative - 
> as part of Windows 10 - may well do you.
> I base this on the fact that - those users I know who use the Windows 10 
> operating system along with its built-in security and protection tools - have 
> not up until this time been infected by Malware of any kind and nor have they 
> suffered for ransomware, any downtime due to any virus infection etc so that 
> alone in my view speaks volumes and good on Microsoft for building security 
> that seems to function well into their operating system.
> Having said all that - and regardless of whether you choose to use a Third 
> party security App or Microsoft’s built-in solution - security and safety of 
> your computer does indeed begin with you.
> Don’t just accept free offers that pop-up when you’re carrying out searches 
> for software for example, don’t click on links in email messages unless 
> you’re absolutely sure what they are, simple prevention measures will save 
> you a lot of headaches in time.
>> On 17 Oct. 2016, at 5:45 am, Gordon Smith < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hello
>> In my humble opinion, this is a great offer! I just acquired it because I’ve 
>> trusted Vipre for years, and the ratings when set against its competition 
>> speak for themselves. They scored 100% in threat detection, and 0% false 
>> positives. Cyber crime is on the up! And this time of year seems to be one 
>> of the worst times for data and identity theft.
>> Christmas is coming, and of course, (although I personally am dreading it), 
>> the cyber criminals just can’t wait! From now on in, people are Christmas 
>> shopping, and obviously criminals make juicy promises which some people just 
>> cannot resist.
>> Sadly, some people don’t bother to check the authenticity of their mail. 
>> Inboxes get filled with juicy-sounding junk, and the criminals sit watching 
>> and waiting for the gullible.
>> Anyway, Vipre Internet for Windows won’t slow you down, (unlike some of the 
>> competition), and Vipre Security for Android is cheap enough to suit 
>> anybody’s budget.
>> People tell me that Android users don’t need security protection. But the 
>> evidence so far this year points to that conclusion being utterly wrong! No 
>> operating system which talks to the Internet, no, not even OS Sierra, is 
>> totally secure! There are always leak and holes, which is why producers of 
>> software such as Apple and Microsoft are always having to fight the fight 
>> against the cyber criminals.
>> That’s not a criticism of either Apple or Microsoft. Neither is it an 
>> endorsement of same. It’s just plain strait forward fact!
>> Which ever option you choose, don’t be fooled into thinking that Microsoft’s 
>> internal (free) solutions are all you need. Just do your research,  (it’s 
>> not for me to do that for you) but the facts speak for themselves.
>> One of our list members has, or had, in his signature a sentence which read: 
>> “Those who deserve help are those who help themselves”, or something 
>> similar. I wouldn’t generally endorse that comment, but this is an 
>> exception. In this specific instance, in my view at least, that comment is 
>> spot on correct.
>> I’ve seen the results of cyber crime this year for myself, on a PC which 
>> belonged to a family member who wouldn’t take my advice and who just went 
>> along with the word “Free”! Now, she’s involved in the process of recouping 
>> just over £1100.0 from her bank. The money was taken directly from her 
>> account because she didn’t think she needed protection over and beyond that 
>> offered by the static firewall in her router. Subsequent to that theft, she 
>> is now coming to me for advice and, what’s more, she’s taking it! Don’t 
>> allow yourself to become another statistic added to that list.
>> Sorry for the waffle, but it’s your call!
>> ========================================
>> My compliments and kindest regards
>> Gordon Smith:
>> < <>>
>> Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist.
>> Mobile/SMS:
>> +44 (0)7907 823971
>> ————————————————————
> **********
> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
> halfwits in this world behind.

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