On 18/05/05, Pakcik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/17/05, boy avianto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Disini ada yang udah main2 AJAX belum? Masih belum ada waktu
> > ngutak-ngatik nih. Sibuk thesis hehehe.
> AJAX rada gak sejalan dengan konsep hyperlink. Dengan konsep hyperlink
> kalau kita click suatu link, kita bisa pake tombol BACK untuk balik ke
> link sebelumnya (historynya disimpan).
> ada yg punya ide mengatasi ini?  atau ini sah2 aja dari sisi usability?

Hum, kenapa melihatnya cuma dari satu sisi saja? (hyperlink tok).
Tentu kalo dari usability menghilangkan kemampuan back = tidak usable.

Tergantung aplikasinya dong pak. Gak semua solusi harus pakai AJAX kan?
Udah coba Backpack atau Basecamp-nya 37signals? Atau Google Map? Atau
Google Suggest? Itu semua gak ada hubungannya dengan "kemampuan"
hyperlink kan?

Tulisan Derek Powazek ttg AJAX cukup menarik utk dibaca:

Tentang implementasi:

--awal kutipan--
With Ajax, as soon as you enter that username, the page checks with
the server to see if it's available. The page can even make the
related fields active only when the username comes back okay. It does
this with simple, background server requests that send small data
fragments back and forth, instead of the whole page. The page can then
update to reflect that the data was accepted in real time.
--akhir kutipan--

Enjoy. dan kutipan lagi dari artikel diatas:

--awal kutipan--
The core takeaway for me is this: Stop thinking about the web in terms
of pages that go from a server to a browser, and instead think of
pages as collections of chunks that can each go to and from a server
as needed. In many ways, it reminds me of the revolutionarily simple
lesson from blogs: When you think of the web as posts instead of
pages, important things happen. In the same way, thinking of the web
as dynamic portions of pages opens up all sorts of user interface
--akhir kutipan--

Think outside the box. Web is not JUST hyperlink.

<avianto /> - http://avianto.com/

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