On Kam, 2005-07-07 at 11:45 +0200, boy avianto wrote:
> Pada prakteknya tidak. Contoh dari pak budi ttg 1-click-nya Amazon itu
> paling nyata. Amazon BUKAN yang pertama memakai 1-click, tapi mereka
> yang duluan mematenkannya.

Jangankan 1-click, double-click juga sudah dipatenkan:

"A method and system are provided for extending the functionality of
application buttons on a limited resource computing device. Alternative
application functions are launched based on the length of time an
application button is pressed. A default function for an application is
launched if the button is pressed for a short, i.e., normal, period of
time. An alternative function of the application is launched if the
button is pressed for a long, (e.g., at least one second), period of
time. Still another function can be launched if the application button
is pressed multiple times within a short period of time, e.g., double

pemegangnya? siapa lagi kalau bukan MS.
Mohammad <mdamt at gnome dot org>

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