i have started using Boingo Wireless recently and am quite happy with  
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Offline Involuntarily
Ben Garvin for The New York Times

“Wireless is just not reliable yet, and hotels are just catching up  
to the fact that they’ve got to be on top of this,” said Will Allen III.

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Published: December 19, 2006

Five years ago, the main challenge for data-hungry business travelers  
was finding a hotel that offered high-speed Internet access. Then  
came a shift to wireless and even free connections.

But these days, the top priority for many is simply getting  
consistent, reliable access to the Internet, regardless of the cost  
or type of connection. That, it turns out, is not as easy as one  
might think.

Travelers’ complaints about spotty Internet service are varied.  
Sometimes the wireless signal works in Room 347 but not Room 219;  
other times the connections are too slow to download large files, do  
not work with corporate security settings or inexplicably disconnect  
every few minutes.

And when it comes to troubleshooting problems, most hotels direct  
guests to a toll-free number offered by their Internet service  
provider, which can be a frustrating exercise in navigating automated  
menus, waiting on hold or wasting time following instructions that do  
not provide a fix.

“I was on the phone with the 800 number at 11:30 at night, but I  
never did get connected,” said Charlene Baumbich, an author who had  
trouble getting online at four out of the five hotels she used during  
a recent book tour. “I lost sleep when I needed sleep trying to get  

Mark Lawrence, an engineer who travels two or three times a month  
with a Macintosh computer, started having problems connecting about  
six months ago; his Safari browser would crash during the sign-up  

“When this first happened, I was shocked because I had been  
connecting for a year or so with no problems whatsoever” at various  
hotels, he said. “I was just beating my head against the wall, trying  
to connect again and again.” (He finally found a solution by  
connecting with a Firefox browser instead.)

Will Allen III, an organizational development consultant who travels  
most weeks, attributes growing connectivity problems to the shift to  
wireless access, estimating that he has trouble with Wi-Fi service in  
hotels about 50 percent of the time, in contrast to 5 percent of the  
time with a wired connection.

“Wireless is just not reliable yet, and hotels are just catching up  
to the fact that they’ve got to be on top of this,” he said, noting  
that he has turned down free upgrades to a room with Wi-Fi in favor  
of a wired connection in a lesser room. And if he is planning a long- 
term stay, he and his colleagues will test a hotel’s Internet service  
in advance.

“We can’t stay at a hotel unless the Internet works,” he said. “It’s  
like oxygen — we have to have it.”

The challenge for hotels is that more people are using the Internet  
for more things these days, not just to check e-mail messages, but to  
make phone calls, download TV shows and do videoconferencing, all of  
which require more bandwidth and more tech support when things do not  
work. Add to the mix the quirks of different operating systems, Web  
browsers and corporate security settings, not to mention travelers  
who are not necessarily tech-savvy themselves, and it is no surprise  
that hotels are struggling to provide reliable service.

One problem is that most large hotel chains work with dozens of  
Internet service providers, some of them small local operations,  
leading to an inconsistent service experience for guests. Hoping to  
rein in this chaos, the Hilton Hotels Corporation is in the process  
of bringing the management and customer support aspects of its  
Internet service in-house, through a program called Stay Connected @  

John Flack, vice president for hotel broadband services at Hilton,  
said the program was aimed at making it easier for guests to be  
connected by offering a consistent sign-up process, ensuring reliable  
network performance by upgrading equipment and monitoring demand, and  
handling problems through a help desk run by Hilton staff members.

“We see the need to provide consistent service across all our family  
of brands,” Mr. Flack said, noting that up to 35 percent of guests  
use the Internet at Hilton’s full-service hotels, with peaks  
occurring midweek from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Brian Gullbrants, vice president for operations at Ritz-Carlton,  
where 10 percent of guests typically go online, said the hotel chain  
had moved away from relying on a single “technology butler” at each  
property and now trains most on-site employees to handle basic  
connectivity questions. “You don’t have to be a tech expert to figure  
it out, but you have to understand how our system works,” he said,  
adding that more complicated problems are handled by the hotel’s  
information technology staff.

Larry Dustin, president of the United States hotels group for iBahn,  
which provides Internet service to more than 2,000 hotels, said one  
source of frustration is that many hotels are not aware of problems  
with the quality of their network, especially as travelers’  
technology habits evolve. “With bandwidth-intensive applications like  
video, a relatively few number of guests can drop the speed of the  
network to dial-up or less,” Mr. Dustin said.

Other problems he mentioned are building materials like concrete,  
steel and glass, which can block wireless signals; an inadequate  
number of Internet protocol addresses for all guests who need them to  
connect through their employer’s security software; and not enough  
antennas to accommodate growing wireless traffic.

But travelers say they should not have to worry about which company  
provides a hotel’s Internet service, and whether it is reliable.

“If I’m staying in a Tier 1 hotel, I should expect a Tier 1  
experience,” said Andy Abramson, a communications consultant who  
writes a blog about Internet telephony. “I might be working in my  
hotel for 12 to 14 hours one day. To me, that hotel is an extension  
of my office — it’s not just a place to sleep and shower.”

That may mean that hotels, and ultimately their guests, have to pay  
more for better Internet service.

Some travelers, especially those putting access fees on expense  
accounts, say they do not mind paying for reliable service. But as  
Mr. Allen pointed out: “If you sell it to me, it better work.”


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