On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:12 PM, José Luis Rey <jluis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You do not need to compile tesseract. Just set your TESSERACT_DATA to your
> tessdata directory (e.g.  %AppData%) (before **calling tesseract)...
> That's all.
> Imaging that you are running on vista/7 as a regular user, you can not
> write nothing to the tessdata directory, then if you need to write a config
> file to be used in command line (like the hocr def config), you need to run
> as admin or give a regular user access rigth to
> %programdata%/tesseract-ocr/tessdata directory.
> And how does compiling of tesseract help you???
Placing tessdata somewhere where you have write access and
changing environmental variable is much easier....


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