I still get the error, but I understood it being how I write the *all-lstmf* 
from which lstmtraining can't get the images. Right now i write into it:

*[FULL PATH TO MY FILE]/eng.test.pro0.lstmf*
*[FULL PATH TO MY FILE]/eng.test.pro1.lstmf*
*[FULL PATH TO MY FILE]/eng.test.pro2.lstmf*

Am i correct saying that this is not what i should have inside *all-lstmf*? 

Il giorno giovedì 16 gennaio 2020 12:04:50 UTC+1, shree ha scritto:
> tesseract unpack is a new feature by @stweil - not yet in the master 
> branch. I was testing to see that your lstmf files are read correctly and 
> they are.
> For tesstrain, all you need are single line images and their gt.txt.
> I ram lstmtraining using your lstmf files, which worked fine. 
> If you want to test, try the following in a directory where you have the 
> two sample lstmf files.
> Change  ~/tessdata_best to wherever you have the best traineddata file.
> ls -1 *.lstmf > all-lstmf
> mkdir -p ./testdir
> combine_tessdata -e ~/tessdata_best/eng.traineddata   ./testdir/eng.lstm
> time lstmtraining \
>    --debug_interval  -1 \
>    --model_output ./testdir/impact \
>    --continue_from ./testdir/eng.lstm \
>    --train_listfile all-lstmf \
>    --traineddata ~/tessdata_best/eng.traineddata \
>    --max_iterations 400

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