> On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [ .. ]
> > > Now I get a different failure ("Alias" is now invalid):
> [ .. ]
> > > waiting for server to start: .Syntax error on line 76 of
> > > /home/slavenr/work2/httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/t/conf/httpd.conf:
> > > Invalid command 'Alias', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
> > > module not included in the server configuration !!!
> >
> > Do you have mod_alias available?
> >
> > % prefork/bin/httpd -l | grep mod_alias
> >    mod_alias.c
> >
> > I suppose we could run this command to check for prerequisites
> > and die if they aren't available?
> I'm not sure what the best way to go about this is, but maybe the
> following might help in deciding ... I think the problem arises
> when Apache-Test either doesn't find the right httpd.conf
> corresponding to the found httpd (as might happen, for example,
> when httpd is a symlink to the real one), or it finds and parses
> a bogus one (this happened to me a couple of times when the
> installed httpd.conf wasn't edited to include the minimal
> LoadModule directives, and I forgot to check). So it's not
> necessarily a problem with using an incorrect httpd (although
> that may still happen), but rather incorrect or missing
> information from httpd.conf is being used.
> If the above is on the right track, one possibility is to
> do the following (in cases where possible LoadModule directives
> are needed by Apache-Test):
> - die if an httpd.conf isn't found in a directory conf/ in an
> expected relative location to httpd (or perhaps add an option
> allowing a user to specify where httpd.conf is, if it's in
> a different relative to httpd).
> - test the configuration, and if an "Invalid Command ..." error
> is generated, suggest to the user to either supply the right
> httpd.conf, or check the validity of the existing one.

The following was necessary to make all tests pass on my system:

* Add

LoadModule auth_module modules/mod_auth.so
LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so

  to the generated t/conf/httpd.conf

* Create a symbolic link in t to the httpd's modules directory

It seems to me that the standard configuration of this system's
httpd does not include a lot of "standard" modules.


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