Your patch works fine in my config here, but I do forsee one possible issue -- although this is a VERY UNLIKELY problem:

<IfModule mod_foo.c>
Include conf/foo.conf

If I read your patch right, it would turn that into:

<IfModule mod_foo.c>
[rest of httpd.conf]
[Contents of conf/foo.conf inserted here]

well, I don't think it was my patch that was doing that. the way I read the code is that IfModule is always ignored and Include (and other) directives are always parsed. but yes, I was moving the placement :)

Obviously, Apache-Test is only really interested in a couple directives from the user's config file, so the chances of that reordering (and removal of code from the conditional block) causing problems is very small.

As a bit of a side note: Apache 1.3.28 does it the simple way:

1) set "ap_server_root" to HTTPD_ROOT (http_main.c: 5396)

that's what we're discussing :)

2) set "ap_server_root" to "-d VAL", if present (http_main.c: 5422)

I don't think we can support that easily, since we already have -serverroot and it means something different (it's where you run the tests from). but if it comes up again we probably ought to consider it.

3) set "ap_server_root" using ServerRoot directive (via normal module initalization stuff)

Whichever one is hit last is used, since it's a single global value.

So it seems like setting things up in that order within Apache-Test would be reasonable. But I agree with Stas that having a record of WHICH ServerRoot value is being used is a good thing and would surely ease some confusion in edge cases like mine.

here is yet another approach. it's pretty verbose, but I think I want _some_ warning in there if PREFIX is used, since it's kinda odd. but maybe not on every file resolution, though. but server_file_rel2abs is the only place I can see that uses inherit_config->{ServerRoot} so that seemed like the logical place to put everything. I dunno...

one additional thing the patch does address is a bogus warning I was seeing on 1.3 where the file is already absolute.

Index: Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35
--- Apache-Test/lib/Apache/   9 Aug 2003 02:38:44 -0000       
+++ Apache-Test/lib/Apache/   4 Nov 2003 15:38:27 -0000
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 use Apache::TestTrace;
-use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs splitdir);
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs splitdir file_name_is_absolute);
 use File::Basename qw(basename);
 sub strip_quotes {
@@ -47,11 +47,26 @@
 sub server_file_rel2abs {
     my($self, $file, $base) = @_;
-    $base ||= $self->{inherit_config}->{ServerRoot};
     unless ($base) {
-        warning "unable to resolve $file (ServerRoot not defined yet?)";
-        return $file;
+        # no base passed in
+        # use first the inherited ServerRoot
+        # then apxs -q PREFIX
+        if ($base = $self->{inherit_config}->{ServerRoot}) {
+            debug "using inherited ServerRoot $base to resolve $file";
+        }
+        elsif ($base = $self->apxs('PREFIX')) {
+            warning "using apxs-derived ServerRoot $base to resolve $file";
+        }
+        elsif (file_name_is_absolute($file)) {
+            debug "$file is already absolute";
+            return $file
+        }
+        else {
+            error "unable to resolve $file - please specify a ",
+                  'ServerRoot in your httpd.conf or use apxs';
+            die '';
+        }
     rel2abs $file, $base;

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