David Wheeler wrote:
On Jan 21, 2004, at 12:39 PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

Sorry, David, I guess I was testing with the wrong version. Here is a new patch. It breaks quite a few tests in modperl-2.0 but it's because they rely on that chdir_t, and can be fixed to be relocatable. It's possible that there are other implications, but I believe they all can be fixed. But first let me know if that patch does the trick for you.

Yes, I believe it does. With this patch, I no longer have to do funky stuff to run my POD tests. Does this mean that Apache::Test now runs with Cwd of the distribution root instead of t/?

It just doesn't do any chdirs, so you can really run: /foo/bar/tar/mar/t/TEST and it will run from /

I haven't done any extensive testing yet, but as I suggested if there are places where it relies on living in 't', the can be all fixed, since we know where 't' is via Apache::Test::config()->{vars}->{serverroot}.

And of course all tests that rely on the previous behavior need to be fixed too. There quite a few tests to fix in mp2, I haven't tested other repositories, yet.

Geoff, what do you think?

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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