Geoffrey Young wrote:
> hmm, I get the following with 5.8.3
> t/protocol/nntp-like.......ok
> t/ssl/all..................skipped
>         all skipped: cannot find module 'mod_ssl', cannot find module
> 'LWP::Protocol::https'
> All tests successful, 7 tests and 14 subtests skipped.
> Files=42, Tests=2355, 68 wallclock secs (48.61 cusr +  3.88 csys = 52.49 CPU)

i get:

Failed Test              Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/apache/chunkinput.t                   9    2  22.22%  7 9
t/apache/contentlength.t               20    7  35.00%  2 6 10 14 16 18 20
t/apache/limits.t                      10    1  10.00%  9
t/modules/autoindex2.t                  3    2  66.67%  1 3
t/modules/expires.t                    92    4   4.35%  13 21 33 45
14 subtests skipped.

and that's it.

> are you using an older version of perl perhaps?

yep, 5.6.1.  why would that make a difference?  newer versions of the
test modules?
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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