Randy Kobes wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, David Wheeler wrote:

On Jun 22, 2004, at 7:32 AM, Randy Kobes wrote:

Right now the Makefile is generated by methods within
Apache/TestConfigC.pm, which generally consists of calling
the apxs utility to compile the module (as well as
implementing a 'clean' target). In principle I think this
could be done via Module::Build with an appropriate
Build.PL and the corresponding changes within
Apache/TestConfigC.pm to call it.

Okay. I've put in some placeholder methods for this; Randy, can you add the necessary code?

Sure, it should be relatively straightforward ... But I'd
like to get, especially, Stas' opinion on this - adding this
in will necessarily introduce a few branches in the
Apache/TestConfigC.pm code related to, first of all, whether
to write a Makefile.PL or a Build.PL (and the ensuing
different syntax), and then secondly, how to use them.

Let's deal with that when the need arises.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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