Christopher H. Laco wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

Christopher H. Laco wrote:

On that note, what else can I work on?
Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment.

Not sure, there are all kind of things in the ToDo file, but they all mostly obscure.

I think all kind of refactoring would be great. One thing I wanted to do for tests again vhosts, is to add this function next to module2path():

  sub module2url {
     my $module = shift;
     my $scheme = shift || "http";

     my $config   = Apache::Test::config();
     my $hostport = Apache::TestRequest::hostport($config);
     my $path     = Apache::TestRequest::module2path($module);
     return "$scheme://$hostport$path";

and then replace the long craft used a lot in the modperl tests, so now one can write a simple:

  my $module = "Foo::bar";
     my $path = Apache::TestRequest::module2path($module);
     GET $path; # GET "/Foo__bar"
    my $url      = Apache::TestRequest::module2url($module);
    GET $url; # GET "http://localhost:8545/Foo__bar";

grep modperl-2.0/t for Apache::TestRequest::hostport to see what I'm talking about.

Hmmm, sounds easy enough since you already included module2url. :-) Famous last words.

Still someone needs to do the work and verify that things are working.

Is this just a concern in t/modperl? I came up with 77 hits in t/, and 11 of those are in t/modperl. Maybe that small subset is a same place for me to start.

It's all t/. But you can start with a subset.

Am I correct in assuming that the modperl in SVN is the 2.0 trunk (the one I want) and that 1.0 is stuck back in CVS? I'm still trying to wrap my brainpan around what modules are where and what perl-framework really encompasses.

That's correct. I tried to argue that we want it to be called modperl-2.0, but the httpd-way was preferrable on other developers.

The online docs have all the info:

-- __________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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