On Sun, 2014-09-14 at 15:04 -0700, Jerry Snitselaar wrote:
> A couple years ago I signed up to help and then promptly disappeared
> due to my wife having some health issues. So a couple years and
> another daughter later I'm back and thought I would send a new
> introduction email.

Welcome again! I hope things work out better this time!

> I'm a long time Red Hat and Fedora user, and have been working with
> Linux for my day job since about 2004. I previously worked for a
> company called Stratus Technologies in their sustaining group,
> working on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the fault tolerant bits
> that Stratus added for their hardware. The past couple of years
> I was on the team at Oracle that develops their own kernel for
> their version of RHEL doing upstream backports, bug fixes, and
> maintaining the git repository for the kernel. Since July I have
> been a member of the Support Engineering Group at Red Hat, where
> I am focused on kernel issues.

Heh, I imagine you have some stories to tell...;)

> I am 42, have a wife and 2 daughters (ages 4 & 1), and live in
> Phoenix, Arizona. When not doing something with computers I
> am usually reading, and a long time ago I was a Russian Linguist
> in the US Army.

Welcome again, and thanks for signing up for QA! Please let us know if
we can help you out with QA questions or anything else.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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