
thanks a lot for this early feedback (very much appreciated)!

> Okay - everything compiles under irix 6.5.20m with the base compiler and make.


> However, texconfig does not run interactively... I believe that
> tcdialog is having issues - it just exits - the problem is the
> TERM/TERMINFO settings.

Your analysis is right, DIALOG_TERMINFO should point to
$TEXMFMAIN/texconfig. The old script has done this and I have forgotten
to copy that part of the code. I'll fix that.

I did not notice this bug, because I am using Linux and this has a special
case to use /usr/bin/dialog instead of tcdialog.

> Separate wish list... It would be useful to have 
> "texconfig paper" return the current setting...

Hm... Sounds good. (The same is certainly true for a few other settings
as well.). I'll have a look and see how much work this is.

> Also - "texconfig help" indicates that one could configure the paper
> size seoarately for xdvi, dvipdfm.  Are these stll valid? The menu access
> in texconfig does not allow these to be individually set.

Here, the batch mode has more capabilities than the interactive mode. I
thought it might be better to restrict the interactive tool to the most
basic tasks. That way, it is easier to find the important things.

> Initial tests show that font creation is going into the share/texmf tree now.

That is intentional, because TEXMFVAR points there. Font creation used to
go to the tree of the font source (if that was writable), but to fit into
the general concept, I have changed that (it can be undone by removing
"texmfvar" from the file mktex.cnf).

Is there any problem with this approach?


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