> On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
> > Hi.
> > 
> > I've been developing for personal use a simple client that allows
> > to store/retrieve BibTeX database files from a Directory Server.
> > I've implemented a schema to store of the BibTeX entries, which
> > I tested by using OpenLDAP 1.2 and recently ported to
> > OpenLDAP 2.0 (LDAPv3 schema). The major advantage of such
> > an approach is that a directory-based repository allows to remotely
> > browse the bibliographic database and helps in maintaining shared
> > databases (e.g. many people using the same db to prepare their
> > papers). At present I maintain my repository on a directory server
> > on my machine, and I generate a new db file after I apply major
> > changes to the db.
> > I think a better integration may be provided with existing BibTeX
> > management tools like barracuda ( http://barracuda.linuxave.net/ ),
> > which could work as a sophisticated direcotry managing front-end,
> > and with BibTeX itself, which could be configured in order to retrieve
> > information directly form the directory server instead of a static file.
> > 
> > I'll be glad to share my code with anyone if there is interest on the
> > subject, and I'd like to cooperate in integrating LDAP with these
> > tools if need be.
> > 
> > Bye, Pierangelo
> > 
> > 
> This sounds like an intriguing project. I have had a faculty member and personally
> I would like to be able to access bibtex information from a server-- while
> I am editing my tex file would be nice. I may not be competent to help you
> with the above project but I wouldn't mind giving it a try. And I have
> wondered just what LDAP is all about.
> -walter tautz

Well, you're welcome.
I started the "project" while I was working at my PhD thesis and I had a hard
time in remembering the tags I gave to the bunch of references I was citing
every now and then. The point is that my off-line client that generates the 
database is not that handy because it requres me to regenerate it all every
time I add an entry. Moreover, the addition of a new entry is not so easy with
standard command-line ldap clients, so an editor like Barracuda would
surely help. As an alternate choice, a web-based client would be nice,
I'm working at some php interface, at least for browsing the database.
In my opinion, the real enhancement would come from a LDAP-aware bibtex,
which might be out of my capabilities. Anyway, I would be happy of working
at the basic ldap stuff to get the entries into bibtex if anyone with hands
in it can help in tying things together.
To have a taste of what LDAP is, you might browse through
The guys are doing a pretty good job. Anyway, LDAP is what netscape and
Internet Explorer use for browsing through the address book, and it's 
becoming the main way to authenticate people and applications over the web,
ranging from Apache (auth_ldap) to imap, sendmail, pam, and so on.

I'll let you know how to have a look at my code, unfortunately at present I
do not have direct access to my machine since I'm travelling. 

Bye, Pierangelo

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