
It took a while for me to become a user of the macropackage, ConTeXt.
One reason is that even though I kept hearing about the amazing things
that are possible with this package, I thought that tetex came with a
broken ConTeXt.

I did not know much about the structure of a whole TeX distribution,
so when I tried to compile a context document, it would fail because
there were no context formats.  I didn't even know what a format was
at the time.

Is there a reason why the context formats are commented out in the
fmtutil.cnf file?  I'm sure that uncommenting it in the tetex
distribution would make the wonders of context available to many more
tex newbies!

If not, I suggest that the following lines of fmtutil.cnf be
uncommented in future tetex distributions:

cont-de pdfetex         cont-usr.tex    *cont-de.ini
cont-en pdfetex         cont-usr.tex    *cont-en.ini
cont-nl pdfetex         cont-usr.tex    *cont-nl.ini
cont-uk pdfetex         cont-usr.tex    *cont-uk.ini

... since these are the most popular formats.

--Ed Cashin                     PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.coe.uga.edu/~ecashin/pgp/

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