Ingo Krabbe wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Saturday, 23. March 2002 22:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Is it possible to setup tetex to produce postscript files instead of
> > dvi? I find that I'm almost always converting the dvi to ps, either for
> > printing or even on-screen viewing ... I can type 'dvips ...; gv ...'
> > almost in my sleep.
> Wouldn't it be a smart solution to write a simple script which contains these
> commands and does the conversion automatically ? You could name that script
> pstex for example and it would have a layout similar to
>         tex $1
>         dvips ...
>         gv ...

Yes, I'd thought of that...but it's not all that simple. I think the
biggest hassle is writing code to check to see if the (la)tex file
compiled properly... Guess I was hoping that someone had done it already

However, I thought I'd read of some version of tex which did produce ps
files directly. Maybe it's a commercial version or something.

Thanks for the reply
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **

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