Hi, below is a document that fails with teTeX-beta 20020530 (unfortunately I have no possibility to try the latest beta). There seem to be some problems with \mathfrak and AMSfonts since the text [2002/01/19v2.2gAMSfontdefinitions] appears in the middle of the matrix.
I tested this with the MikTeX-distribution I am currently "stuck" with and it shows the same problem. TeTeX 1.0, 1.0.7, and beta 2001-12-18 all compiled the document without problems. Is this fixed in the latest beta or something new? Regards, Erik ========================================== \documentclass[a4paper]{book} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \begin{document} \setcounter{MaxMatrixCols}{11} \newcommand{\Lpar}[3]{\begin{picture}(0,0)\put(#1,#2){\makebox[0mm]{$\left(\rule{0mm}{#3pt}\right.$}}\end{picture}} \newcommand{\Rpar}[3]{\begin{picture}(0,0)\put(#1,#2){\makebox[0mm]{$\left.\rule{0mm}{#3pt}\right)$}}\end{picture}} \begin{equation*} \mathbf{G}^{-1} = \phantom{=} \begin{matrix} \mathfrak{a} & & & & \mathfrak{e} & \mathfrak{e} & \mathfrak{e} & & & & 1 \\ & \mathfrak{b} & & & & & & & & & x \\ & & \mathfrak{b} & & & & & & & & y \\ & & & \mathfrak{b} & & & & & & & z \\ \mathfrak{e} & & & & \mathfrak{c} & & & & & & x^2 \\ \Lpar{-5}{6}{63}\mathfrak{e} & & & & & \mathfrak{c} & & & & \phantom{\mathfrak{d}}\Rpar{5}{6}{63} & y^2 \\ \mathfrak{e} & & & & & & \mathfrak{c} & & & & z^2 \\ & & & & & & & \mathfrak{d} & & & xy \\ & & & & & & & & \mathfrak{d} & & xz \\ & & & & & & & & & \mathfrak{d} & yz \\ 1 & x & y & z & x^2 & y^2 & z^2 & xy & xz & yz & \\ \end{matrix} \end{equation*} \end{document} --------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Frisk email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dept. of Electrical Engineering tel: +46 13 285714 Linköping University fax: +46 13 282035 S-581 83 Linköping SWEDEN www.fs.isy.liu.se/~frisk ---------------------------------------------------------------------