I've been trying to build tetex on a HP N4000, with HP-UX 11.0

If someone wonders why I would be doing that on such a class of server, well, I think that
tetex is a pretty good tool to build nice printouts or PDF documents. It is a markup language so I
can generate such markup from my databases, then I would format it along with some templates and
obtain nice reports for customers. Without human intervention AND without VB, ActiveX, etc.

Now, I have some problems. First of all, I've been unable to use gcc as ANSI compiler.
configure complains about gcc being unable to generate executable files (I think the test is
done with flags "-g -Aa +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE" which gives
<command line>: missing '(' after predicate

A bit dissapointed since my bad experiences with HP ANSI cc I've configured with HP cc as
ANSI C compiler and gcc as C++ compiler (configure allows gcc to act as C++ compiler !!)

Having configured I execute make world.

After several messages of success I get:
cd libs/ncurses; make
cd man && make -b DESTDIR="" all
cd include && make -b DESTDIR="" all
No suffix list.
cd ncurses && make -b DESTDIR="" all
cd ../objects; cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../ncurses -I. -I. -I../include -I/opt/teTeX/include/ncurses -g -Aa +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Aa +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -c ../ncurses/./tty/hashmap.c
cc: "../ncurses/./tty/hashmap.c", line 160: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: "cost_effective".
cc: panic 2017: Cannot recover from earlier errors, terminating.
*** Error exit code 1

*** Error exit code 1

*** Error exit code 1


Now, I'm stuck. On one hand I think that perhaps I could get rid of the ncurses module. I want to process
documents with pdflatex much in the same way I do on my Mac OSX Powerbook. I understand from
my previous (tough) experience with curses back in 1988 that library deals with terminals. I want to
do background silent processing, not to edit or visualize anything. Can I skip someway that step?

I can't find a different make target to build just the binaries I am interested with: pdflatex, pdftex, dvipdfm, etc.

On the other hand I can try to fix hashmap.c which seems to be badly build by the cpp (ufff)

Any ideas?

I have perched the tex tree on /opt/tex following HP ways. Were I able to build the binaries: could anyone
use a tarball from that installation to install tetex on HP-UX machines? Can we act as repository for
anyone wanting to install tetex on a HP-UX machine? We (as Bancoval) have modestly funded tex users group, but we would like to cooperate in a more active way...



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