On Fri, 08 Nov 2002 14:29:21 +0100 (CET), Christof Biebricher

>However, I found that the missing control sequences were in musixtex.tex.
>I loaded the newest version and BIngo, it worked. You should load
Bingo indeed. Thank you, Christof -- the upgrade has solved the
problem at my end too. 

And a heartfelt public thank you to Olivier for sorting out the
barre/string tangle! The results are going into musixcg.tex for
uploading to the Icking Archive just as soon as I can put together
some coherent documentation for the package.

... watching the world turn white in the first snowfall of the 
season :)

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
                  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
                       Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
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