Try the following text:
\input manmac
\rm This is a verbatin text

|   \bigskip|

|   \last|

\bf This is the end of verbatim


Arjen Bax wrote:
> Aloha,
> Evita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote Saturday, November 23, 2002 5:31
> PM:
> > Does anyone know whether there exists anywhere a plain-TeX equivalent
> > of the LaTeX "verbatim" environment?
> Long time ago, I've used the "midnight macros" from Marcel van der Goot,
> a set of macros intended to help with the writing of other macros, in
> particular the "dolines.tex", which helps to write macros for which line
> breaks inserted by the user are important. The user must specify macros
> \beforelines, \everyline, and \afterlines to specify what should happen
> to each line of input. Input can come from a separate file or from the
> TeX input stream. Available from CTAN.
> HTH,
> --
> Arjen Bax | CMG Noord-Nederland B.V. | Postbus 70237 | 9704 AE Groningen
> | Eemsgolaan 1 | 9727 DW Groningen | The Netherlands | ICQ # 171090809 |
> TEL +31-50-5219500 | FAX +31-50-5219501 | WEB
> Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. -- Isaac Asimov
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