A bug in M-Tx from version 0.61a to version 0.62b has been corrected.
The bug affects only scores with more than one staff and at least one
multi-bar rest. It manifests as a baffling message at the PMX stage,
for example

    Starting first PMX pass

 ERROR in line 15, bar 2 Block duration not divisible by lenbar
 r2 r4 ba83d aa1 /

 lenbar is  64
STOP 1 statement executed

There is in fact nothing wrong with the block duration. I'll post
a separate topic about the message, but since M-Tx must not
generate wrong PMX code, the first mistake is mine.

Up to Version 0.60f, M-Tx generated TeX code for multiple rests.
Following a substantial improvement in the treatment of these
rests in musixtex.tex, it was no longer necessary to do so and PMX
'rm' commands were emitted from Version 0.61a onwards.
Unfortunately it was overlooked that there should be an identical
command for each stave. This has now been corrected in Version 0.62c.

Note that in the M-Tx code itself, there should NOT be more than
one 'rm'. A multiple rest appears as the only word on its line, which
is the only line in its paragraph, just as has always been the case.

Small improvements to the TeX files (mtx.tex, mtxdoc.ltx, mtxlatex.sty)
have also been made.

The current version is available by cloning (or if you already did that,
pulling from inside your local copy) the repository


If no adverse reports reach me within the next few weeks, this will become
a release.
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