Den 18.04.2020 kl. 12.32 skrev Bob Tennent:
  >|Chopin's mazurka Op.67 n.2 .pmx file at IMSLP is
  >|uncomplete: it only includes the first measure. Why...?

Presumably the source file was corrupted at some point.

Andre: Please send me privately the full pmx file and I'll
try and upload it to IMSLP.

  >|With the occasion, I renew my proposal of creating a
  >|separate repository with PMX/MusiXTeX sources. They are
  >|only 1% of all the scores in IMSLP now: creating such a
  >|separate section could hopefully have the effect of, or
  >|help, increasing them...

I don't agree that a separate repository would have that
desired effect. And setting up the infrastructure and
maintaining the meta-data would be massive. As Christian
has said, it'll never happen. Even setting up a suitable
"gallery" of *links* to musixtex-based scores at IMSLP would
be hard.

Jean-Pierre's suggestion is a good one: ask IMSLP to set up
"typeset with MusiXTeX" as a tag. I've contributed dozens
of scores to IMSLP but I would be willing to tag them. And
though I would send sources to anyone who requested them,
I'm not willing to routinely upload "engraving files" for
every new submission, much less all of the existing ones.

Christian: You've dealt with the IMSLP administration in the
past; would you be willing to negotiate with them?

I'm still in contact with a couple of the IMSLP admins and will forward this matter to them.

Best wishes
Christian Mondrup
WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive

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