If you are connected to numerous caving pages, it can be challenging to
keep up with the latest post.

I just started using BlinkFeed today on my new phone, and it seems to be
worth taking a look at.

The smartphone screen is filled with about 4 to 6 tiles that represent the
latest post on each site you are connected to.   Scroll down until you find
a post of interest, and click on it.

For example, several Karst-O-Rama announcements were there, along with
other exciting news like yesterday's SpaceX launch.

Now if I could just get it to weed out anything with words like:
Kardashian, Bieber, Obama, Hillary, Romney, "World Cup," "global warming,"
Iraq, Iran, Cheney, Chelsea, Putin, Lewinsky, "Tiger Woods," etc, then it
would be a usable app.  So instead, I just removed all my news apps.

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