In a message dated 10/23/2013 1:21:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I just  have one question, why did they want to put a nature trail in an 
area with  such toxic vegetation?
Cuz it was a cruise ship destination! Originally known at Little Stirrup  
key it was renamed Coco Cay by the total scumbags at Royal Caribbean Cruise  
Lines. The mothership would park offshore then send up to 4000 tourons at a 
time  to the man made beach where they would line up in lawn chairs like 
sardines in a  can only packed tighter. There they would roast in the sun. 
Needless to say it  wasn't any fun so they hired top dollar consultants who did 
a study which  determined that a nature trail would alleviate some of the 
The island is quite beautiful in a wretched sort of way but impossible to  
experience because of jagged karst and impenetrable scrub so I whacked out a 
2.5  mile trail that encircled the island. It visited all the old lignum 
vitae trees,  karst features, hidden beaches, conch camps, dope drops, etc. I 
made it a point  to remove all the poisonwoods that were within easy 
touching distance and to  visit all the rare plant communities. The scrub is 
beautiful and botanically  diverse with lots of endemics but without thinning 
is impossible for a moron  touron to "see the forest for the trees". I made 
about $300/hour swinging a  machete which made me an object of envy for all 
Unfortunately the aforementioned scumbags only wanted to be able to say  
they had a nature trail so they didn't buy the next phase improvements which  
included "cool spots" with interpretation, etc. These were the same 
Disneyfied  idiots who had a fake "Blackbeard's grave" but wouldn't admit that 
present day  pirates were still crashing planes full of dope, all of which I 
wanted to make  part of the story. 

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