And another thanks from NM. I read all that stuff because a couple of years ago I was tired of shuffling through the strobe batteries to find enough that worked on my 2-3 strobes I had just carried into the cave. I also found out that certain NM caves are frigid! At least two are below freezing and the cold takes a toll on cameras, strobes, slaves, etc. I had previously bought some Lenmar R2G AAs which were working out fine. But since I also had just retired my 10 year old homemade 24 LED light that ran on 3 C cells for a 277 Lumen Fenix light that runs on 4 AAs, I needed a better charger than the old ones that sometimes cooks the batteries.

I opted for the La Crosse BC1000 charger and also got a couple of sets of Eneloops as well. Apparently the La Crosse is more accepting of ancient batteries that may have a lower voltage, and I liked the individual control/ monitoring features of this better technology charger.

 - Pete

On Aug 9, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Diana Tomchick wrote:


Thanks for asking the question! Now I've decided to spring for the following:

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